How to Attract Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds are a treat for every backyard. Scott Weidensaul with Audubon says, "To draw hummers, create a complex, varied backyard with staggered blooms that also includes feeders, perches (dead saplings “planted” in the ground work well), a natural abundance of insects, and places to hide when predators are near. Avoid using toxic garden chemicals—after all, as much as 60 percent of a hummingbird’s diet is actually made up of tiny insects, spiders, and other arthropods, so the birds are providing some natural pest control. The hummingbirds will also appreciate a water mister that creates a fine spray in which they can bathe." The right feeder will involve less work and worry. The best feeders are sturdy, durable, easily cleaned and birds should be able to reach the nectar easily. Hummingbirds do not live by nectar alone. They also eat small flying insects, which they catch by darting about within a swarm or by sneaking out from a perch. It's good to have several feeders spaced far apart to prevent a single bully from defending all the nectar sources. Make sure feeders are high enough to prevent domestic predators from snatching the birds while they eat.

This is our favorite style of feeder. This is the Hummzinger Mini made by Aspects. These feeders are made in the USA and guaranteed not to break. They have brass components a built-in ant trap and DO NOT LEAK. This sturdy plastic feeder will give you years of great service. Remember, the more feeders you have up the more Hummingbirds you'll have. Place the feeders in plain sight near flowers and near windows that offer a good view.
Hummers don't need to perch while they eat but they often do if perches are provided. It is not necessary to add red coloring, protein, vitamins, or minerals. Natural nectar is clear and colorless. Red parts on the feeder will catch a hummer's attention. They can see red from 3/4's of a mile away. Protein, vitamins, and minerals are essential components of hummer nutrition but the birds obtain those vital elements from the many tiny insects they eat.
In early Spring when the hummer's first arrive you should change the nectar every five days. Once the daily average temperature reaches 80 degrees change the nectar every two to three days whether they've consumed it all or not. NEVER use honey, molasses or artificial sweeteners. Only use table sugar. The recipe is One part sugar to Four parts water. It's that simple. If boiling water is not your thing than we sell powder and liquid concentrates at the store.
In early Spring when the hummer's first arrive you should change the nectar every five days. Once the daily average temperature reaches 80 degrees change the nectar every two to three days whether they've consumed it all or not. NEVER use honey, molasses or artificial sweeteners. Only use table sugar. The recipe is One part sugar to Four parts water. It's that simple. If boiling water is not your thing than we sell powder and liquid concentrates at the store.